About Me
It is essential that you find a therapist who has the relevant background and credentials, who you are also comfortable with, in order for you to to feel safe and supported. So please do contact me for a chat if you're interested in starting Art Therapy.
I am state registered with the Health Care Professions Council and have a Post Graduate Diploma in Art Psychotherapy from Goldsmiths, London University. I have also been a member of the British Association of Art Therapists for over 30 years.​

I have worked for many years within education both as an Art Therapist and as an Art Teacher. Much of my work has been with young people who have suffered from trauma. However, in the last couple of years, I have been working privately with both adults and children.
It is very important to me to provide a safe and trusting environment where you can be assured of confidentiality*. We work together exploring thoughts, feelings and possible images, which also involves reflecting on the process. I am person-centred and follow the lead of my clients.
*Confidentiality may be limited in extreme circumstances where a client is in danger to themselves or others.